Sunday, July 26, 2009
{ 1:10 PM }
decided to change to a new blog addy again~~
do take down the new address @ will not be updating here anymore~~ =)
Labels: blog
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
{ 8:38 PM }

: Take My Word Ep 22B - 25A

: 我愿意 - 大嘴巴

: strong-willed (never give up)

: Things to do : trying to solve the problems asap
To avoid your next case of verbal diarrhea, here are 13 things to never share or discuss with your co-workers.
1. Salary information
What you earn is between you and Human Resources, Solovic says. Disclosure indicates you aren’t capable of keeping a confidence.
2. Medical history
“Nobody really cares about your aches and pains, your latest operation, your infertility woes or the contents of your medicine cabinet,” Lopeke says. To your employer, your constant medical issues make you seem like an expensive, high-risk employee.
3. Gossip
Whomever you’re gossiping with will undoubtedly tell others what you said, Solovic says. Plus, if a co-worker is gossiping with you, most likely he or she will gossip about you.
4. Work complaints
Constant complaints about your workload, stress levels or the company will quickly make you the kind of person who never gets invited to lunch, Solovic warns. If you don’t agree with company policies and procedures, address it through official channels or move on.
5. Cost of purchases
The spirit of keeping up with the Joneses is alive and well in the workplace, Lopeke says, but you don’t want others speculating on the lifestyle you’re living –or if you’re living beyond your salary bracket.
6. Intimate details
Don’t share intimate details about your personal life. Co-workers can and will use the information against you, Solovic says.
7. Politics or religion
“People have strong, passionate views on both topics,” Solovic says. You may alienate a co-worker or be viewed negatively in a way that could impact your career.
8. Lifestyle changes
Breakups, divorces and baby-making plans should be shared only if there is a need to know, Lopeke says. Otherwise, others will speak for your capabilities, desires and limitations on availability, whether there is any truth to their assumptions or not.
9. Blogs or social networking profile
What you say in a social networking community or in your personal blog may be even more damaging than what you say in person, Solovic warns. “Comments online can be seen by multiple eyes. An outburst of anger when you are having a bad day … can blow up in your face.”
10. Negative views of colleagues
If you don’t agree with a co-worker’s lifestyle, wardrobe or professional abilities, confront that person privately or keep it to yourself, Lopeke says. The workplace is not the venue for controversy.
11. Hangovers and wild weekends
It’s perfectly fine to have fun during the weekend, but don’t talk about your wild adventures on Monday, Solovic advises. That information can make you look unprofessional and unreliable.
12. Personal problems and relationships – in and out of the office
“Failed marriages and volatile romances spell instability to an employer,” Lopeke says. Office romances lead to gossip and broken hearts, so it’s best to steer clear. “The safest way to play is to follow the rule, ‘Never get your honey where you get your money.’”13. Off-color or racially charged comments
You can assume your co-worker wouldn’t be offended or would think something is funny, but you might be wrong, Solovic says. Never take that risk. Furthermore, even if you know for certain your colleague wouldn’t mind your comment, don’t talk about it at work. Others can easily overhear.
Labels: reads
Monday, February 16, 2009
{ 7:43 PM }

: Take My Word Ep 20A - 22A

: Ai Shi Huai Yi - Zhou Ding Wei

: mit : 15% of lvl 79

: neglected (being ~ sucks)
Rules: It's harder than it looks!
Erase my answers, enter yours, and send it on to 10 people,
including the one who sent this to you.
Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names, things... nothing made up!
Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial.
You can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name: Felicia
2. A 4-letter word: F*ck
3. A boy's name: Freddy
4. A girl's name: Francesca
5. An occupation: Fashion Designer
6. A color: Firebrick
7. Something you wear: Fashion Accesories
8. A beverage: Fresh Mineral Water
9. A food: French Croissant
10. Something found in the bathroom: Facial Foam
11. A place: Farrer
12: Reason for being late: Finding fault with bus driver
13. Something you shout: F*ck U!
ps: if anyone wanna do tis euu may do so!
Labels: randoms
Sunday, February 15, 2009
{ 7:11 PM }

: Take My Word Ep 12B - 19B

: 亚洲之夜 - 罗百吉

: mit : 14% of lvl 79

: dun ignore me(!)
spend the whole day at home woke up at 11.15am..with nothing to do jz watching drama & surfing & abit boring..hais..
Labels: house
Saturday, February 14, 2009
{ 8:24 PM }

: Take My Word Ep 8A - 12A

: 安妮 - 王傑

: ~~~(sian nth to dl)

: mit : 12% of lvl 79

: so sleepy now..(jz got back my lappy)

: Things to do : how to spend my time?
spend my VDay at home of cos..after finish my babysitting job at 2.30pm i simply feel so sleepy..i tot i can use my lappy when i reach home but my lappy had disappeared..wth lor..only can wait until the rest of them come home n go home den can pathetic man...-.-
Labels: happenings, house
Thursday, February 12, 2009
{ 10:50 PM }

: Take My Word Ep 5B - 7B

: Bei Ji Xing De Yan Lei - Nicholas Teo

: no downloads~~

: mit : 9% of lvl 79

: being advised by Jenny..[ =) ]

: Things to do : spending VDay?
no mood...wad's the best present to give a guy?$$?presents which he dun need?
Labels: quotes
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
{ 11:35 PM }

: Take My Word Ep 4A - 5A

: Paper Cut - Vanessa Hudgens

: mit : 7% of lvl 79

: spirits lifted up a bit (deep down its still the same)

: Things to do : hoping for a miracle.
same as blogging right now making a difference in everything i do?
Labels: quotes
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
{ 10:27 PM }

: Take My Word Ep 2A - 3B

: 莎优娜拉 - 罗百吉

: ~~~~

: mit : 3% of lvl 79

: blank
nothing to say jz blog for the fun...
Labels: mood
Monday, February 09, 2009
{ 11:25 PM }

: Trust of Lifetime Ep 20A - 20B / Take My Word For It Ep 1A - 1C

: Ru Guo Ni Ye Ting Shuo - Zhang Hui Mei

: ~~~~

: finding old n new dramas

: heart seems lifted abit~(but still kept in heart)

: Things to do : how to spend VDay?
nothing much happen today jz dat due to my depression am dumb the whole day except to some qns here n thr from my superior.really i feel...down!
Labels: mood
Sunday, February 08, 2009
{ 11:48 PM }

: Trust of Lifetime Ep 14A - 19A

: The Way I Do - Marcos Hernandez (song explain my feeling now~)

: no albums~~(sian -.-)

: mit : 1% of lvl 79 (slow~)

: deep down in my heart i still feel sad

: Things to do : hope to clear my depression!
supposed to post tis ytd but i've really really no mood and too depressed so dun mind me i'll post tis now..met vin at the bus stop opp the hotel at tanglin..the bus stop after my usual bus stop dat i dropped off at to office..
ii wanted to go to pasta de waraku at marina sq..the place is at a desolate place which is quite difficult to find and it really is at an ulu place lor..euu knw the way to the bowling centre its at one of the turns there which euu will seldom walk there at a salon..wah really find high n low..once i went in there's only 2 tables of customers only..hahah we are the 3rd table..after we finish and about to go off the customers become abit more..abt 4/5 tables..hahha..but the baked rice is kinda nice..its the chicken n scallop one..might go someother day again since my coupons will expire in 31 march..
after dat we go back vin's home..erm..i went home quite early about 9.30pm..haha dat's about all..!
Labels: food, mood
{ 10:04 PM }
i'm so DEPRESSED~~~~~!SOMething bad is gonna happen~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Labels: mood
Saturday, February 07, 2009
{ 9:35 PM }

: Trust of Lifetime Ep 12B - 13B

: Memories - Kim Yoo Kyung (Witch Amusement OST)

: Byul - Like A Star

: ~

: sleepy & tired

: Things to do : planning to go cityvibe (clementi) some other day!
after work i have to go take care of a 6 years old boy as my part time job..the pay is about $8/hour..but i wun be telling euu all whose son is it but up to euu all to guess..hahah..
i finished everything at 6.30pm but i miss the 187 bus on my way back as i din bring my bag out of the the end i waited and waited and waited finally the bus come..i tink its about 6.50pm?i reached bpp at
after dat i go popular to renew my card..$20 for 3 year..den we go eat the new chinese shanghai restaurant tang dian wang..seems quite nice cos the other time we go past suntec and it seems quite say bpp oso got..but we go tis time and its fully packed.den i say maybe we shld go suntec one too?den he say the price if different.i say the menu is standard wad hw can be different?oky dat ends everything so he send me to bus stop lyk finally?!!hahha..bye bye **edited 8/2 10.40am~~
Labels: food, part time